Getting inspired to make art

Getting inspired to make art

We had a greatly inspiring workshop over the weekend of Off the Rails Arthouse in Fife. We call the workshop ‘Ideas and sketchbook development’ and much of what we cover is the sticky issue of getting inspired to make art.

Although our main aim is to work with students making applications to art college this goal is not essential to study one of our courses. In fact on this particular workshop we only had one student making an art college application. The other participants were all artists are varying stages and abilities, some having graduated a few years ago, who were all looking to kick start their creativity during a difficult time.

We follow our eBook exploring art sketchbook ideas that explores so if you can’t make one of our workshops in person this is an option.

Getting inspired to make art

Many of our students had ‘lightbulb’ moments and a few of them!! One that I hadn’t anticipated with this workshop in particular is the problem of having ideas but feeling pressured to make the final piece immediately. The issue of allowing yourself to make a journey with your sketchbook and not jumping straight to a final piece was discussed at some length.

This is something that I can really identify with. I think as busy as we all are, there is always the feeling that everything we do needs to have immediate recognisable value. Sometimes playing, experimenting and having no planned outcome can be seen to be a waste of time and a little indulgent. It can also be quite an unnerving experience, not knowing where you’re going but trusting your instinct.

So these issues and the direct one of getting inspired to make art were addressed and confirmed to be equally difficult sometimes to work on.

If you’d like to take part in a similar workshop we would be keen to discuss your requirements. If you’re an art group wanting to participate or a school for your pupils or as CPD for staff we can negotiate something that suits. Please contact us via the contact page or call us directly.

I enjoyed the play and experimentation. This will help me in my artist practice as I was missing a chunk of work; research and exploration. I now feel able to break the steps down to a resolved piece of artwork. I‘ll also be able to relax and enjoy the creative journey rather than worrying about the destination.

I very much enjoyed this workshop and I think it is fantastic value for money. It is great even for an artist 15 years out of art college. – Libby Scott

This workshop really helped me make sense of the research to development phase. I feel confident enough to do some things (painting, ink, monoprinting etc) that I wouldn’t normally do. 

I enjoyed the interaction with others on the course and Julie in particular. Thanks you so much.Once I got over my fear of putting mark to the paper, I’ve had so many ideas in my head this week it feels great. I totally recommend it; Julie is great, met some lovely people and came away with lots of inspiration – just what was needed! – Marion Archibald

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