03 Nov UCAS personal statement word limit
I had a meeting with a student on my 20 week portfolio preparation for art college course last night and something we discussed was her UCAS art personal statement.
Now you all know the UCAS personal statement word limit, line space, etc. so every word counts. Particularly if you’re in the lucky position of having lots to say.
If you’re struggling for things to say then first of all download our eBook ‘Writing your personal statement’!
So, you’ve written a cracking UCAS personal statement but it’s way too long.
UCAS Personal Statement Word Count
For 2020 the UCAS personal statement word limit is 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (including spaces and blank lines).
It’s common that creative people get all flowery when writing and find it hard to write concise, factual information.
I certainly do and have to do a check on myself quite often.
Many students ask “Does anyone actually reads the personal statement?”
From the experience of interviewing students at Edinburgh College of Art, I know that they do, maybe a skimming but if you’ve written concisely a skimming will get the message across if you’re a strong candidate.
Also, the colleges might be looking at 2 students that are almost identical in terms of exams, portfolios, and interviews.
Making a decision can be very difficult and anything that gives one student an edge over the other counts.
This edge could be your personal statement.
Last year I visited Queen Margaret University to find out more about their Costume Design and Construction course.
They use the UCAS personal statement to make the first round of their selection.
Your application may not get any further than this.
If they read your application, it’s weak they may decide not to see your portfolio at all – this is critical!
2 great sites below that go into the nitty-gritty of how you can cut down the words but say exactly the same thing.
This enables you to include more of the good stuff in your statement.
Take this example: Example: Because a great many of the words in this sentence are basically unnecessary, it would really be a very good idea to edit somewhat for conciseness. Revision: Because many of the words in this sentence are unnecessary, we should edit it.
There are many more examples on these pages and on reading them I had many ‘ah-ha!’ moments.
Don’t fill your UCAS personal statement word limit with waffle, be concise, edit.
If you’ve any top tips on writing your personal statement please feel free to post them in the comments below. GOOD LUCK!!
Get more help with your art college portfolio and UCAS application with a full and focused plan on my 20 week portfolio preparation for art college course.
“Thanks a (good deal) to Portfolio Oomph my daughter has portfolio drops/interviews at all 5 colleges she applied for including Kingston and Central St. Martins. She has also been offered a place at Ravensbourne College.
The ‘Writing your personal statement’ eBook was absolutely well worth the money. I only wish I known about it sooner. I will certainly recommend your website to friends in the future.” Linda Hill, parent and customer.
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