Writing your personal statement – eBook

art personal statement

Writing your personal statement – eBook

Your art personal statement is your first chance to tell the universities and colleges why they should choose you – it might be your last!

However, on my visit to Queen Margaret University to hear about their Costume Design and Construction course, I discovered that they use it as a first stage selection tool. Meaning, if your statement is seen to be weak you will get no further, however strong your work might be.

So it’s imperative to get it right.

Studying this eBook on your art personal statement will help you to:

>> Understand the nature of what the art colleges want to hear about in your art personal statement

>> Rule out certain approaches that aren’t useful to you

>> Write an art personal statement that makes the interviewers sit up and listen

>> Write in a clear and succinct manner

>> Ensure your statement is relevant and appropriate for the subject specialism you are applying for

>> Shine above the rest

In your art and design personal statement you’ll need to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment for your creative practice. Keeping it current and relevant is essential as you only get 4000 characters, you need to make them all count. You need to use concise and effective writing skills to communicate your message.

But above all, ensure that you are standing out from the crowd – which you do, right?

Use your art personal statement to give the colleges an idea of:

>> Who you are

>> What your interests are in the world

>> Who and what you are inspired by

>> How motivated an individual you are as an individual – remember the colleges are assessing your potential to a degree

Don’t leave writing your personal statement to the last minute, you can start it in September if you wish. This then gives you time to reflect on it and refine it to be its strongest. Get someone else to read it and ensure you’ve included all that is relevant.

This 8 page eBook covers 3 great ideas for something different to write that will show your ingenuity and your potential in art. It has do’s and don’ts of writing statements, compiled by an art tutor who has read, deliberated, cogitated and digested 100’s of personal statements, good and bad!

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