Life drawing classes in East Lothian

Life drawing classes in East Lothian

Life drawing can be a great addition to any art portfolio for art college but it is not essential. If you enjoy it and can get to class then by all means get on down there and get drawing. If not, don’t worry, but find some other way to demonstrate your strong drawing skills in your portfolio.

Life Drawing Classes

We’ve been working with a small group of S6 students from East Lothian schools since September provided for by East Lothian Council’s Art Service once more. For the first 8 weeks, we have had a life model and done life drawing, this continues for another 4 weeks up to the Christmas break.

Some of these students have never done life drawing before and I am very pleased with how their skills are developing. Take a look for yourself!

During the next week or so we will be looking at portraiture – everyone’s favorite! So this week we’ll be armed with our daughter’s football painted white with some lines on it to keep the students informed on perspective, foreshortening, and other technical stuff. Not suggesting we have heads exactly like this but it’s a good starting point for reference!

We are hoping to be able to bring a life drawing class to Midlothian soon so please keep your eyes pealed on our Facebook page as that’s where we’ll publish it first.

See how our classes went last year; students from this class are now studying at Glasgow School of Art, Gray’s School of Art, Heriot-Watt University, Falmouth University, and Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

Happy drawing – happy weekend!

If you’re stuck for ideas of what to draw and how to get started then take a look at our

eCourse Drawing skills; exploration.

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