#SBS winner with Theo Paphitis

#SBS winner with Theo Paphitis

#SBS winner.Some wonderful news came our way on Monday evening. We were announced as being one of 6 winners of the Small Business Sunday scheme as established by Theo Paphitis in 2010.

Each Sunday between 5pm and 7.30pm Theo invites small businesses to tweet to him including the #SBS @TheoPaphitis telling him about your business. He then selects 6 from those entries to re-tweet to his 435,000 followers the following evening; this provides a massive boost to the chosen lucky businesses.

If you ‘re not familiar with Theo Paphitis he is best known for appearing on Dragons Den on BBC Two. He is Chairman of Ryman Stationery plus Boux Avenue lingerie and Robert Dyas, as well as joint owner of Red Letter Days.Theo is also a mentor and investor to many other business acquainted via the Den.

We’d been tweeting most Sundays for about 5 months. We’d set up scheduled tweets to go from Hootsuite as there is no scheduling function in Twitter. So each month we scheduled 4 tweets for the month informing Theo about events, achievements etc. that have happening in the life of Portfolio Oomph. Our winning tweet was Great stats on how we’ve helped our students getting into , very .

On Monday evening when it was announced we were winners on 29 June 2014 our Twitter feed just went crazy! Messages, retweets, favourites and we’ve gathered probably over 100 new followers. The support from other winners and businesses was incredible.

There is what seems like a club too! #SBS winners where folk network and promote their own and others businesses. Also a chance to have a profile page on the #SBS website – here’s Portfolio Oomph’s. Also something called #sbswinnershour, between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on a Tuesday where other winners gather and network.

Theo says, “I admire people who have passion and energy. If you cannot bore your friends to death about your own small business then something is seriously wrong. I was struck by the number of business owners on Twitter who wanted to tell me about their new products and services. Small Business Sunday was born so that people have a specific time slot to tweet and can pitch their ‘sell’ directly to me.

All my businesses are privately owned and entrepreneurial in spirit. My stationery firm Ryman has thousands of small business customers, which is why they are now kindly sponsoring #SBS. I want to offer benefits to #SBS winners, past and present and the link with the stationery retailer allows me to do this, so thank you CEO Kypros Kyprianou and Co.

My vision is that everyone who has ever won an #SBS re-tweet from me becomes part of a friendly club. Like-minded individuals can share successes and learnings. This website will give a valuable profile to the winners chosen to date and should help those who have not yet won but want some tips on how to do so. You will find news about the latest winners plus events and activities of interest.

I know I have been lucky in business and I am keen now to spread goodwill to others, of course not forgetting that very often, you make your own luck by making use of every opportunity.”

Once things have calmed down a little we’ll get a chance to take a look at our new ‘family’ so to speak. There’s also an event later in the year to meet Theo Paphitis for a business get together and even get your piccie taken with him! We’ll update you on that if we attend.

It’s been a great week and to celebrate we’ll be offering all our eBooks and eCourses with a 50% discount all next week (Monday 7th July – 14th 2014). Yay, we love a reason to celebrate so spread the word!

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