I’m Julie Read and I am an expert in portfolio preparation for art college and for art courses.
In the past 12 years, I’ve worked as a private art tutor. 117 students have gained 244 places for art and design courses at 69 institutions around the UK and abroad.
Competition is fierce. For example, at Edinburgh College of Art, there are in the region of 6000 applicants. This is for approximately 280 places (1:22).
You need to learn to think creatively. Then prepare your portfolio in the best way possible so that you don’t miss out. Introducing my portfolio preparation course.
Most students spend ages trawling through the art college and university websites for information. But they still can’t figure out what’s being asked for in their portfolio submission.
The good news is that my intensive portfolio preparation for art college course can get you on track, fast. It’s not cheap but nowhere near the huge fees, you might find yourself paying once at University.