Portfolio Oomph meets Theo Paphitis

Portfolio Oomph meets Theo Paphitis

We’ve had a great start to 2015 and none better than collecting our award and meeting Dragon’s Den star Theo Paphitis.

If you missed our post in July last year then a quick update: we were selected by Theo in his Small Business Sunday #SBS initiative as a business he recognises and supports.

We tweeted to him about our business and each week he chooses 6 businesses to retweet to his 435,000 followers.

Since our accolade we’ve seen an increase in Twitter followers, enjoyed some great press coverage and been welcomed into what is know as the #SBS family.

Part of being in this family includes contact you have with all the other businesses that Theo has supported. And as a sole trader working from home this is highly valuable in terms of exchanging ideas and being in a virtual office with these others! The support and knowledge that is exchanged in this family is great.

The icing on the cake really is the annual event in Birmingham that Theo hosts.

All #SBS winners have the opportunity to meet each other, network, have an open floor questions and answers session with a panel of motivational speakers and or course Theo himself.

This is where we received our certificates and had the chance to meet and chat with Theo.

All in all it is a great opportunity on a number of levels. I urge any small business of any kind, particularly creatives to send him a tweet @TheoPaphitis! Schedule it with a programme like Hootsuite as this tweet must be between 5 and 7.30pm GMT on a Sunday evening using #SBS.

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