Animation courses university case study

animation courses university

Animation courses university case study

This is a case study of a student who studied on the PLAN CREATE SUCCEED portfolio preparation for art college course to go on to receive 3 offers on animation courses university.

I wanted to highlight this student and her experience because it was one of the more unusual applicants that I’ve worked with.

Occasionally I’m asked if I work with students who haven’t studied art at school.

This is usually mature students.

However, from time to time I’m approached by school leavers who have had a change of heart and wish to move their line of study from another subject to art and design.

I take each case as it arises and not all enquiries can demonstrate an aptitude for this change in direction.

Below, I’ll detail and bullet point the important information.

  • Lily had offers to study English at a number of Universities and was set to start St. Andrews University in September.
  • She hadn’t studied art at school past 4th Year of Nat 5, (GCSE level) therefore didn’t have the art and design qualification at Higher / A Level.
  • Lily was planning to apply to Universities in England where a Diploma in Foundation Studies is also normally required.
  • She contacted me in early August to enquire whether I felt she stood a chance and would I be willing to work with her.
  • We began working on the PLAN CREATE SUCCEED portfolio preparation for art college course on 1 September.
  • At the time of starting Lily has thought she was interested mostly in Fine Art but as we worked together in time she realised Animation was her main interest.
  • Once this was established she also enrolled on a specialist animation short course with the British Film Institute and a life drawing class closer to home.
  • Her commitment to study was outstanding and she worked hard to build on her drawing skills also her technical ability to animate.

In the video below you’ll see the images that made up her folios. She was offered places on the following courses.

Animation courses university

Teeside University – BA (Hons) Animation

Falmouth University – BA (Hons) Animation

University of Brighton – BA (Hons) Animation

If you study the courses you’ll find that they have slightly different focus on some than others, some being purely 2D some more 3D and motion graphics.

Therefore differing folios were presented for each, alongside the differing criteria that each University asks for (number of images and format). So not all images were submitted to each University.

It’s important that you also understand that the work that you see is not ‘how it needs to be’. This is how this student approached creating her folio – yours will and should be different. This is what we work hard on to show a bit of ‘you’ in your folio.

The portfolio

Please visit this page for more information about the PLAN CREATE SUCCEED portfolio preparation course  and how you can win your place at your first choice University.

book a call with Portfolio Oomph

The showreel

Lily and I had a great conversation about our experience of working together for animation courses university – check it out below.

Watch more testimonials here on my blog.


Read more from another student who took this change in direction, some years ago and now has graduated from Glasgow School of Art with a first class honours degree in Sculpture and Environmental Art.

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