Complimentary Portfolio Audit

Unsure if your portfolio is going to make the grade?

Sign up for a FREE portfolio review to check that the work you’re doing is ticking the right boxes to win your place at your first choice art school. There’s still time to up your game, change your creative direction, if you’re unsure how things are going.


STEP 1: Email up to 10 examples of your work to me for review (on a scale of 0-10) for suitability for inclusion in an art college portfolio.


STEP 2: Arrange a complimentary call for a 30 minute feedback session – this will be done by Zoom (video call).


Feedback will comment on:

  • ideas and conceptual elements
  • drawing skills
  • suitability for your chosen subject / course


portfolio audit

Who am I? And why a portfolio review?

I am Julie Read, a leading educator in the Creative Industries as featured in The Guardian newspaper, on a mission to create a legacy to ‘unlock your creative genius’.

portfolio audit Julie Read

Receiving independent feedback on your work is crucial as art college is so competitive. Working in a bubble at school can be quite isolating and not really give you a real idea of standards in other schools and individuals’ portfolios whom you’re up against.


Over the last 6 years I have become known as the “go-to” when it comes to bespoke 1:2:1 support for art applicants. I taught also assessed portfolios and interviewed applicants for 10 years at Edinburgh College of Art.


I have worked with over 66 students who have gained over 117 places for art and design courses at 33 institutions around the UK and abroad.